Braced Wall Panels
To provide lateral resistance in areas with high wind or earthquake exposure, builders have the option of using strong wall segments called braced wall panels. A braced wall panel is a portion of a wood-frame wall where the bracing, sheathing, cladding or interior finish is designed and installed to provide the required lateral resistance. These requirements are intended to ensure all sides of a building are robust. If for instance, there is a desire to have a large area of windows on one side of a house, strong wall portions are required to compensate for the window openings.
Braced wall panels must be located within braced wall bands, which are 1.2 m (4 ft.) wide spaces that extend from one floor to another (Figure 73).

Source : Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Note : Shear wall is a vertical element of a system that is designed to resist in-plane lateral forces, typically wind and seismic loads. Shear walls are typically used to reduce the effects of lateral loads in addition to resisting horizontal forces