Joists Supported by Beams

(1)  Floor joists may be supported on the tops of beams or may be framed into the sides of beams.

 (2)  When framed into the side of a wood beam, joists referred to in Sentence (1) shall be supported on,

    (a)   joist hangers or other acceptable mechanical connectors, or

    (b)   not less than 38 mm by 64 mm ledger strips nailed to the side of the beam, except that 38 mm by 38 mm ledger strips may be used provided each joist is nailed to the beam by at least four 89 mm nails, in addition to the nailing for the ledger strip required in Table


(3)  When framed into the side of a steel beam, joists referred to in Sentence (1) shall be supported on the bottom flange of the beam or on not less than 38 mm by 38 mm lumber bolted to the web with not less than 6.3 mm diam bolts spaced not more than 600 mm apart.

    (4)  Joists referred to in Sentence (3) shall be spliced above the beam with not less than 38 mm by 38 mm lumber at least 600 mm long to support the flooring.

    (5)  Not less than a 12 mm space shall be provided between the splice required in Sentence (4) and the beam to allow for shrinkage of the wood joists.

Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   Information published by for educational purposes only.