Bonding and Tying of Intersecting Walls

(1)  Where required to provide lateral support, intersecting walls shall be bonded or tied together.

    (2)  Where bonding is used to satisfy the requirements of Sentence (1), 50% of the adjacent masonry units in the intersecting wall, distributed uniformly over the height of the intersection, shall be embedded in the laterally supported wall.

    (3)  Where tying is used to satisfy the requirements of Sentence (1), the ties shall be,

    (a)   corrosion-resistant metal,

    (b)   equivalent to not less than 4.76 mm by 40 mm steel strapping,


    (c)   spaced not more than 800 mm o.c. vertically, and

    (d)   shaped at both ends to provide sufficient mechanical key to develop the strength of the ties.

Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   O. Reg. 332/12: BUILDING CODE ( © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2021