Treads and Risers
(1) Except as permitted for dwelling units and by Sentence for fire escapes, steps in flights shall have a run of not less than 280mm and not more than 355 mm between successive steps.
(2) Steps referred to in Sentence (1) shall have a rise between successive treads not less than 125 mm and not more than 180 mm.
(2.1) Steps in flights shall have no open risers,
(a) except as provided in Article, and
(b) except for the following stairs:
(i) fire escape stairs,
(ii) stairs that are principally used for maintenance and service, and
(iii) stairs that serve industrial occupancies other than storage garages.
(3) Except in fire escape stairs and where an exterior stair adjoins a walkway as permitted by Sentence, risers, measured as the vertical nosing-to-nosing distance, shall be of uniform height in any one “flight”, with a maximum tolerance of,
(a) 5 mm between adjacent treads or landings, and
(b) 10 mm between the tallest and shortest risers in a “flight”
(4) Except in fire escape stairs, treads, measured as the horizontal nosing-to-nosing distance, shall have a uniform “run” with a maximum tolerance of,
(a) 5 mm between adjacent treads, and
(b) 10 mm between the deepest and shallowest treads in a “flight”.
(5) Treads and risers shall not differ significantly in “run and rise in successive flights” in any stair system.
(6) Reserved
(7) The slope on treads or landings shall not exceed 1 in 50.
(8) Except as permitted by Sentence (10), the top of the nosing of a stair tread shall have a rounded or bevelled edge extending not less than 6 mm and not more than 13 mm measured horizontally from the front of the nosing.
(9) The front edge of stair treads in exits and public access to exits shall be at right angles to the direction of exit travel.
(10) If resilient material is used to cover the nosing of a stair tread, the minimum radius or bevel required by Sentence (8) is permitted to be reduced to 3 mm.
Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code, Information published by for educational purposes only.