Slab Construction Over Cold Storage Room in Basements

Refer to Article if it applies

(1)  Concrete shall be cast against form work in accordance with CSA A23.1, “Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction”.

(2)  The slab shall be not less than 125 mm thick.


(3)  The slab shall be reinforced with 10M bars spaced not more than 200 mm o.c. in each direction, with 30 mm clear cover from the bottom of the slab to the first layer of bars, and the second layer of bars laid directly on top of the lower layer in the opposite direction.

(4)  The slab shall bear not less than 75 mm on the supporting foundation walls and be anchored to the walls with 600 mm× 600 mm 10M bent dowels spaced at not more than 600 mm o.c.

(5)  Exposed slabs shall be sloped to effectively shed water away from the exterior wall.

Article Ontario Regulation 332/12 Building Code,   Information published by for educational purposes only.